There’s an attention-grabbing thought for a film in “Fatman,” which seeks to spin a bleak and wintry hitman story right into a deadpan darkish Christmas comedy...
Though a sequel to the Aardman stop-motion animated movie “Chicken Run” is within the works, one of many unique movie’s voice actors Mel Gibson won’t return,...
People Mel Gibson was simply 29 when he was named People’s first Sexiest Man Alive in February 1985. People “St. Elsewhere” star Mark Harmon, then 34,...
Earlier this week, the trailer for Mel Gibson’s new movie arrived, nonetheless you’d forgiven for missing it as a result of it was hardly promoted. The...
Mel Gibson will not go to jail over his January 2010 altercation with Oksana Grigorieva.. . . year-old actor has struck a deal and will plead...
When it rains, it pours. Especially if your name is Mel Gibson. The scandal-scarred screen star was forced to call the police over the weekend after...
Talk about “Art Imitating Kra-zee!” Mel Gibson will resurrect his film career…or what’s left of it…next spring in Jodie Foster’s The Beaver, a comedy about a...
‘Braveheart’ star Mel Gibson has admitted he slapped Oksana Grigorieva, claiming her hysterical behavior was endangering their baby. However, the actor has denied hitting her. Gibson...
Hollywood exes Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva remain locked in a bitter and highly-publicized court battle for custody of their young daughter, Lucia. In a bid...
A Kings Cross stripper has claimed that she had a spicy night with self-titled “horny” couple Melanie Brown and her husband Stephen Belafonte last weekend. The...