As “Reign” enters its final ten episodes, Mary, Queen of Scots (Adelaide Kane) finds herself, yet again, on the precipice of a life-changing decision. She’s been...
“Oh my God!” Khloe Kardashian causes one starstruck contestant to come “two seconds away” from a panic attack on the premiere episode of Revenge Body With...
It’s taken this long on “Supernatural,” but it looks like Lucifer has finally been dealt with. That’s not to say that he didn’t make some intriguing...
Kendall Jenner can no longer seem to keep up with the constant jet setting and family drama! The in-demand supermodel, 20, has been suffering from “crippling...
Steve McQueen’s sexually explicit Shame (read our review here), about a sex-addicted New Yorker who moves in with his wayward sister, could possibly...