It’s appropriate that Pixar Animation Studios’ first feature, 1995’s “Toy Story,” was centered on the world of playthings. Since then, no entertainment entity has been able...
Brave Trailer Pixar 2012 Official Disney-Pixar Movie HD Brave Trailer Pixar 2012 Official Disney-Pixar Movie HD The acclaimed animation studio behind the likes of Up, WALL•E...
Planes, Wreck It Ralph, Pixar Dinosaur Movie, Frankenweenie! A whole lot of Disney and Pixar animation news came out of the D23 Expo, and Beyond The...
Source: Disney/Pixar June 20, 2011 Disney and Pixar have set a release date of November 27, 2013 for a new project. The studio has not revealed...
Walt Disney Pictures officially announced today at CinemaCon that their Monsters, Inc. follow-up will indeed be a prequel and will officially be titled Monsters University ....
You can now buy your movie tickets directly on Facebook to see “Toy Story 3” at The creators of the beloved Toy Story films re-open...