Courtesy of Sony Pictures Constantin Films, the studio that produced the upcoming movie “Monster Hunter,” apologized on Sunday for a scene within the movie that used...
“Gone With the Wind” is now not out there on HBO Max. On Tuesday, amid a bigger cultural dialog about systemic racism, the movie was quietly...
The Michael Moore-produced documentary “Planet of the Humans” was pulled from YouTube in a single day as a consequence of a “copyright claim by a third...
Chris Hemsworth in Extraction If you simply completed watching Chris Hemsworth in “Extraction” on Netflix and questioning how the hell they pulled off that 11-minute single...
YouTube / Universal Less than per week after final weekend’s two mass shootings, The Hunt — a satirical thriller regarding rich liberal elites looking MAGA sorts...
Universal Pictures In the wake of a weekend that noticed two separate mass shootings — plus an altercation at one other Walmart, this one in Louisiana,...
Joan Tarshis kept silent about her allegations that Bill Cosby drugged and forced her to perform oral sex 45 years ago when she was a 19-year-old...
FOX has taken scheduled episodes of “Family Guy” and “American Dad” out of its Sunday lineup in the wake of the shootings in Newton, Conn. The...
Image Credit: Jack Rowand/The CW No one told him to do it. But Supernatural actor Jim Beaver, whose character was killed several weeks ago, knew that...
Japan’s nuclear power plant crisis is no laughing matter in Springfield: Networks in several European countries are reportedly reviewing episodes of The Simpsons for any “unsuitable” references...