Review in a Hurry: The King's Speech cast should prep some Oscar speeches. In this true-life tale, King George VI (Colin Firth) struggles to overcome a...
Helena Bonham Carter has revealed that she risked the wrath of Harry Potter bosses by signing on to star in ‘The King’s Speech’. The actress plays...
When she’s not wearing rotting meat to awards shows, pop star Lady Gaga is beating the drum for equality. The “Poker Face” sensation spent Monday afternoon...
Padma Lakshmi has finally made a public confession of her love for billionaire Teddy Forstman. The venture capitalist helped the model-cum-TV presenter through her recent pregnancy....
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Rock singer and TV reality star Bret Michaels remained in critical condition, but was conscious and talking with slurred speech after suffering...
The fair use which in literal sense means to get something or other thing copyrighted and then exploits it, and secondly under the first amendment, it...