TBS TBS has secured a bevy of high-profile guest stars to appear in The Wedding Band, the cabler’s upcoming comedy series that stars Brian Austin Green...
Nancy Grace and Tristan MacManus Craig Sjodin/ABC On Dancing with the Stars Monday, the six remaining contestants celebrated Halloween with spook-tacular routines. But Tuesday’s elimination show...
J.R. Martinez and Karina Smirnoff Allen Berezovsky/FilmMagic Despite J.R. Martinez’s consistent charm and fancy footwork on Dancing with the Stars, on Monday even the show’s frontrunner...
Tom Bergeron and Brooke Burke Adam Taylor/ABC Monday night was rough for Dancing with the Stars partners Maksim Chmerkovskiy and Hope Solo. Aside from earning a...
He danced the rumba on Broadway night – then orchestrated a show-stopping fight. Maksim Chmerkovskiy melted down Monday on Dancing with the Stars, railing against the...
From left: Tristan MacManus, his sister Kelly, his dad Paul, Nancy Grace and his mom Carol Courtesy Nancy Grace When I first heard about Dancing‘s ’80s...
When Elizabeth Olsen started garnering buzz for her performance in ‘Martha Marcy May Marlene,’ a lot of people reacted with “There’s another Olsen sister?'” In an...
Who’s “Dancing With the Stars” 80s week was, like, a total bummer? Find out below. Spoiler alert. The first couples safe are Ricki Lake/Derek Hough, J.R....
Tristan MacManus and Nancy Grace Courtesy Nancy Grace This last week Dancing with the Stars took a serious turn as Elisabetta and Val were eliminated and...
Last week, her dancing was lost in translation. Earning only 15 points, George Clooney’s ex, Elisabetta Canalis, had a lot to prove Monday night on ABC’s...