One of the intriguing features of any movie competition is the best way conversations can develop between movies which will have been made in utterly completely...
With movie festivals more and more searching for movies from underrepresented voices in recent times, one byproduct of the coronavirus-prompted theater closings is that motion pictures...
There’s a good quantity of existential angst on the Cannes Film Festival this yr, as these from the film trade who’re right here to do enterprise...
John Donovan (Jimmy Smits) has had a pretty rough day and things only get worse in Monday’s (March 20) episode of “24: Legacy.” It was only...
Fast national ratings for Monday, Nov. 7, 2011 Several shows that took ratings hits on Halloween bounced back some on Monday: “Two and a Half Men,”...
Actress Drew Barrymore has revealed that she struggles to maintain a balance between her work and relationships. Barrymore, 35, who attended the world premiere of her...
In the July/August issue of More Magazine, actress Kyra Sedgwick speaks frankly about her lifelong struggle with her body image. Weight has been the stunning star’s...