The cast of ABC’s Once Upon a Time mini spin-off continues to take shape. EW has confirmed that actress Sophie Lowe (Road Kill) has landed the...
Hide the bats! Brandi Glanville and LeAnn Rimes faced off at a little league game, the first time they’ve been in the same place since the...
If you search the Academy Awards acceptance speech database, you’ll find that, over the past four decades or so, winners have thanked Jesus three times and...
“Once Upon a Time” was one of my favorite new shows of the fall of 2011. Fairytales are a fertile ground from which to mine stories...
The 85th annual Academy Awards are sure to be a big night, honoring the best and brightest movies of the past year. You’ve got everything set...
In Les Miserables, Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe break out their vocal chops, singing their hearts out in Tom Hooper’s big-screen adaptation of the beloved Broadway...