Natalie Portman and Julianne Moore are set to star within the subsequent movie from “Carol” director Todd Haynes, a drama titled “May December.” Haynes is directing...
Joaquin Phoenix and Todd Phillips on the set of Joker (Courtesy of Warner Bros.) Joaquin Phoenix misplaced 52 kilos to play “Joker” within the upcoming movie...
Jill Greenberg/Getty Images Todd Strauss-Schulson, the director of “Isn’t It Romantic” and “Final Girls,” is in negotiations to direct “Zombie Brother” at STXfilms and Tencent Pictures,...
It’s no secret that Kandi Burruss’ mom Joyce doesn’t like her daughter’s fiancé Todd Tucker; now, she’s blaming Phaedra Parks for introducing them, has learned. In a dramatic preview for Sunday’s The Real...
Todd Phillips should be right at home with these guys: The director of ‘The Hangover’ has optioned the feature film rights to Guy Lawson’s Rolling Stone...
Paris Hilton and Todd Phillips Josephine Santos/Pacific Coast News • New couple alert? Paris Hilton may have recently called things off with beau Cy Waits –...