Is it possible that intelligent life forms visited Earth thousands of years ago, bringing with them technology that drastically affected the course of history and man’s own development? Presented in the 1968 bestselling book Chariots of the Gods, by Erich von Daniken, the theory of ‘ancient aliens’ rocked people’s beliefs in mankind’s progress. Ancient cave drawings of strange creatures, remains of landing strips in Peru, and Indian texts that describe the ‘flying machines of the gods’ were just a few of the odd archaeological artifacts cited by von Daniken as proof that ancient astronauts were well known to our ancestors. Produced with the exclusive cooperation of von Daniken himself, ANCIENT ALIENS launches all-new expeditions to seek out and evaluate this evidence, with a concentration on discoveries of the last 30 years, including unusual DNA findings on man s evolution and newly decoded artifacts from Egypt to Syria to South America. It is a balanced investigation into a theory so
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9 of 10 people found the following review helpful:
Very Stimulating, January 16, 2011
Joseph W. Giacomo –
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
This review is from: Ancient Aliens: Season One [Blu-ray] (Blu-ray)
Picked these up last week as I was looking for something to spark my imagination. These definitely fit the bill.
The entire documentary is NOT a collection of stories or whack jobs sharing ideas on creation. This spans many different topics whether it be human creation, building of the pyramids etc. All pointing the finger towards alien intervention and scientifically supported or debated.
The video and audio quality is fantastic, there are a few short scenes of old footage that were clearly not transferred over into HD but it’s few and far between. If you’re looking to spark the imagination and open your mind to other possibilities then this is for you. It’s a well done program worth watching, especially on Blu-ray.
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24 of 30 people found the following review helpful:
Thank God (lol) these are finally coming out on Blu Ray!, July 29, 2010
Flux –
This review is from: Ancient Aliens: Season One [Blu-ray] (Blu-ray)
I’ve watched the entire series on History Channel as well, and have been waiting for a blu ray release since it has aired. I highly recommend this series to people who are curious about our origins. A lot of eye opening theories and stories to make you think.
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Could it possible that intelligent life forms visited Earth thousands of years ago, bringing with them knowledge and technology that greatly altered the course of history and human development on Earth? The Ancient Astronauts mini-series on DVD explores this possibility in depth.
Consider the following:
** How is it that the ancient Mayan calendar is more accurate than our own if the ancients were so primitive?
** What are the pyramids really for? They’re located across the globe, not just in Egypt.
** Could primitive people really move solid blocks the size of train cars with only ropes and ramps to build the pyramids? Did they really bring the quartz and granite, which is only found many miles away in most cases, to the construction site, again, by pulling train car sized chunks with ropes?
** Why are there ancient artifacts and glyphs which look identical to jet airplanes that we use today?
** Did ancient Egyptians use electricity to light the internal chambers of their monuments and pyramids?
** Were the Nasca lines actually landing strips for ancient flying craft?
** How was the top of an entire mountain range artificially removed in ancient times to create the plateau where many of the “landing strip” type Nasca lines are located?
There are so many mysteries about the ancients….
** How they built such monumental megalithic structures that we would be hard pressed to attempt to build even today ** Why they had astronomical maps and maps of the Earth that match ours today, yet our maps only became as accurate as the ancient ones in the last 50 years.
** Why does every ancient religion indicate their “Gods” descended from the sky, heavens, or space bringing knowledge to their peoples?
** Why are there pyramids across the Earth, yet all similarly built during ancient times when people supposedly had no means of communicating across large distances, so there could not have been sharing of ideas?
** Why have there been stories, from ancient times until today, of flying craft in the sky, or visitations from “angels,gods,aliens,fairies” and other different beings? Could they all be the same beings who visit here, just described in different ways?
** Should we really dismiss as pure myth the stories in ancient Indian texts that describe “flying machines of the gods”?
** Are there really accounts of space craft and alien visitations in the texts of all the older, established religions and cultures? (The Bible, Bhagavad Gita, Sumerian texts, Egyptian texts, Mayan/Incan/Olmec texts, petroglyphs of ancient America, and more…)
All of these topics and many more have been addressed in this great mini-series originally presented on the History channel in 2010. Many experts in conventional archeology and religion are interviewed in addition to the current experts in ancient astronaut theory and authors on the subject such as Erich Von Daniken (the author who originally brought this subject to light under much controversy in the 1960’s with his book Chariots of the Gods Chariots of the Gods)
This is a fascinating subject that is presented in an excellent manner. The subject is treated quite seriously with enough information provided to allow viewers to make up their own minds and spark further curiosity on the subjects presented. This series was produced with the cooperation of Von Daniken (the author who broght the subject to light in the 1960’s and who continues his research into the subject to this day).
From the DVD description:
Ancient Aliens launches all-new expeditions to seek out and evaluate this evidence, with a concentration on the latest discoveries of the last 30 years, including unusual DNA findings on man’s evolution and newly decoded artifacts from Egypt to Syria to South America. It is a balanced investigation into a theory some believe cannot be true, but many agree cannot be ignored.
For those new to this concept – What is Ancient Astronaut theory?
The general idea of ancient astronaut theory is that thousands of years ago there were visitors to Earth which to the primitive humans, seemed as Gods. They had advanced technology which was used around the ancient humans, and to the ancient humans this technology was so amazing that these beings could be nothing less than Gods (look up cargo cults to see how our technology had a similar effect on primitive tribal peoples during WWII). These ancient astronauts, aka alien visitors, were responsible for the instantaneous leap in development that occurred and which has remained an unexplained mystery among conventional archeologists and anthropologists. They are also responsible for guiding the…
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Joseph W. Giacomo
April 1, 2011 at 5:06 am
Very Stimulating,
Picked these up last week as I was looking for something to spark my imagination. These definitely fit the bill.
The entire documentary is NOT a collection of stories or whack jobs sharing ideas on creation. This spans many different topics whether it be human creation, building of the pyramids etc. All pointing the finger towards alien intervention and scientifically supported or debated.
The video and audio quality is fantastic, there are a few short scenes of old footage that were clearly not transferred over into HD but it’s few and far between. If you’re looking to spark the imagination and open your mind to other possibilities then this is for you. It’s a well done program worth watching, especially on Blu-ray.
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April 1, 2011 at 5:05 am
Thank God (lol) these are finally coming out on Blu Ray!,
I’ve watched the entire series on History Channel as well, and have been waiting for a blu ray release since it has aired. I highly recommend this series to people who are curious about our origins. A lot of eye opening theories and stories to make you think.
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K. Salinger "MBA, RN, RRT"
April 1, 2011 at 4:58 am
Facinating and well done review of ancient astronaut theory,
Could it possible that intelligent life forms visited Earth thousands of years ago, bringing with them knowledge and technology that greatly altered the course of history and human development on Earth? The Ancient Astronauts mini-series on DVD explores this possibility in depth.
Consider the following:
** How is it that the ancient Mayan calendar is more accurate than our own if the ancients were so primitive?
** What are the pyramids really for? They’re located across the globe, not just in Egypt.
** Could primitive people really move solid blocks the size of train cars with only ropes and ramps to build the pyramids? Did they really bring the quartz and granite, which is only found many miles away in most cases, to the construction site, again, by pulling train car sized chunks with ropes?
** Why are there ancient artifacts and glyphs which look identical to jet airplanes that we use today?
** Did ancient Egyptians use electricity to light the internal chambers of their monuments and pyramids?
** Were the Nasca lines actually landing strips for ancient flying craft?
** How was the top of an entire mountain range artificially removed in ancient times to create the plateau where many of the “landing strip” type Nasca lines are located?
There are so many mysteries about the ancients….
** How they built such monumental megalithic structures that we would be hard pressed to attempt to build even today ** Why they had astronomical maps and maps of the Earth that match ours today, yet our maps only became as accurate as the ancient ones in the last 50 years.
** Why does every ancient religion indicate their “Gods” descended from the sky, heavens, or space bringing knowledge to their peoples?
** Why are there pyramids across the Earth, yet all similarly built during ancient times when people supposedly had no means of communicating across large distances, so there could not have been sharing of ideas?
** Why have there been stories, from ancient times until today, of flying craft in the sky, or visitations from “angels,gods,aliens,fairies” and other different beings? Could they all be the same beings who visit here, just described in different ways?
** Should we really dismiss as pure myth the stories in ancient Indian texts that describe “flying machines of the gods”?
** Are there really accounts of space craft and alien visitations in the texts of all the older, established religions and cultures? (The Bible, Bhagavad Gita, Sumerian texts, Egyptian texts, Mayan/Incan/Olmec texts, petroglyphs of ancient America, and more…)
All of these topics and many more have been addressed in this great mini-series originally presented on the History channel in 2010. Many experts in conventional archeology and religion are interviewed in addition to the current experts in ancient astronaut theory and authors on the subject such as Erich Von Daniken (the author who originally brought this subject to light under much controversy in the 1960’s with his book Chariots of the Gods Chariots of the Gods)
This is a fascinating subject that is presented in an excellent manner. The subject is treated quite seriously with enough information provided to allow viewers to make up their own minds and spark further curiosity on the subjects presented. This series was produced with the cooperation of Von Daniken (the author who broght the subject to light in the 1960’s and who continues his research into the subject to this day).
From the DVD description:
Ancient Aliens launches all-new expeditions to seek out and evaluate this evidence, with a concentration on the latest discoveries of the last 30 years, including unusual DNA findings on man’s evolution and newly decoded artifacts from Egypt to Syria to South America. It is a balanced investigation into a theory some believe cannot be true, but many agree cannot be ignored.
For those new to this concept – What is Ancient Astronaut theory?
The general idea of ancient astronaut theory is that thousands of years ago there were visitors to Earth which to the primitive humans, seemed as Gods. They had advanced technology which was used around the ancient humans, and to the ancient humans this technology was so amazing that these beings could be nothing less than Gods (look up cargo cults to see how our technology had a similar effect on primitive tribal peoples during WWII). These ancient astronauts, aka alien visitors, were responsible for the instantaneous leap in development that occurred and which has remained an unexplained mystery among conventional archeologists and anthropologists. They are also responsible for guiding the…
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