Flashpoint is an emotional journey following the lives of a police tactical team, the Strategic Response Unit (SRU). The SRU is a team of cops like no other — they’re the elite, the blueblood of the force. High risk is their business, and life-and-death stakes are their world. This action-packed series highlights both the tactical and the psychological aspects of their police work and examines the emotional toll of bearing constant witness to the extremes of human distress.
Hollywood’s film archives overflow with the carcasses of dismal movies based on lame ’60s and ’70s television shows, a syndrome that shows no sign of abating. But here’s evidence that the reverse effect, turning a movie into a TV series, can have surprisingly positive results. Indeed, based on the 21 episodes produced for the first season of Stargate SG-1, it could be argued that this show is significantly better than the 1994 feature it’s derived from. The central conceit of the original Stargate–the existence of an artificially created “wormhole” through which one can travel to different worlds light years away from Earth–was an intriguing one. In seizing on the obvious possibilities for expanding on that premise, series executive producers-writers Jonathan Glassner and Brad Wright have smartly retained some of the film’s basic elements (its amalgam of myth and theoretical hokum, or the ongoing clash of wills between scientists and soldiers), while adding a variety of fresh ideas
Most TV shows spun off from movies are uninvolving and uninteresting (“Blade,” anyone?), and hopefully die and are forgotten.
That wasn’t the case with the spinoff of the 1995 movie “Stargate,” an okay science fiction movie that spawned an excellent television series, “Stargate SG-1.” The first season is not nearly as brilliant as the ones that followed it, but it’s a welcome change from distant space operas — excellent writing, acting, and a sense of humor about itself and its characters.
The Stargate has been inactive for a year — until it is activated, and a bunch of Egyptian-styled warriors come through and kidnap a young officer. General Hammond (Don S. Davis) pulls Jack O’Neill (Richard Dean Anderson) out of retirement to learn what really happened on the planet of Abydos, and where these mysterious aliens have come from.
O’Neill and a small team go to Abydos and find Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks) who has been learning about a vast network of Stargates over the past year. But when Daniel’s wife Sha’re and brother-in-law Skaara are abducted by the same warriors, O’Neill, Jackson and Air Force scientist Sam Carter (Amanda Tapping) use the Stargate to venture to where they’re being kept.
What they find is an alien race who inhabits human hosts, the Goa’uld, and their ruthless slave warriors, the Jaffa. Carter, O’Neill and Jackson are captured by the powerful Apophis — but to escape, they must have the help of an unlikely ally: Teal’c (Christopher Judge), Apophis’ First Prime. Since Earth has now annoyed the Goa’uld, several exploration teams are formed to go through the Stargate and find weapons and allies.
And SG-1 — Carter, O’Neill, Jackson and Teal’c — encounters some very strange problems: a plague that turns people into savages, a people who live only a hundred days, a Viking planet, a Stargate explorer stranded since 1945, a little girl turned into a bomb, the seductive Goa’uld queen Hathor, and coming back as robots. And when the military shuts down the SG program, Daniel reveals that the Earth is about to be destroyed by Apophis’ armies…
The first season of “Stargate SG-1” isn’t the most impressive, though the last three episodes hint at the series’ future greatness. And thankfully, it drops the usual space opera stuff — instead we get Stargates, real military, and a very plausible reason why everybody in the galaxy (more or less) looks just like us.
It’s graced with kitschy Egyptian-styled sets, lots of shoot-em-up action from Marines and Air Force, and plenty of planets influenced by Earth cultures, like the Minoans and the Vikings. Best of all is the snappy dialogue, mostly from the tart-tongued O’Neill (“Temperature–ground 1700 degrees Fahrenheit. Air–seems to be in pockets, ranging from 1500 degrees down to 200.” “Sounds like LA”).
And the makers add some poignant and/or warm scenes, such as the eager Abydonian teenagers celebrating with O’Neill and his pals, Teal’c reunion with his outcast family, or Sam bonding with a doomed little girl. All the characters get these moments, which really makes them seem human.
Instead of Kurt Russell’s suicidal O’Neill from the movie, Anderson does a quirky, disrespectful, pop culture-lovin’ guy with a hidden tragic past — his “Cold Lazarus”double role is one of the best of the show. Tapping and Shanks are also great, as an enthusiastic geek and a smart, capable military woman. Sadly Judge gets shortchanged as the stern, honorable Teal’c, but he’s brilliant when he’s spotlighted.
The first season of “Stargate SG-1” is not the best of the series, but it’s still a solid, imaginative sci-fi story with some great writing and even better acting. A must-have for sci-fi buffs.
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One evening, I flipped through channels to find something to watch. At first, I thought it was another “crime drama” along the lines of “Cold Squad” or “DaVinci’s Inquest”. I still like the complexity of Chris Haddock’s characters. So I was pleased to find another ensemble cast that had similar complexities and issues. One of the unique quirks of the writers is that the theme of each episode resonates through the relationship between the characters in some way. The characters are interesting, compelling, and “real” and the writers do a great job at not revealing every little thing about them right away. Their lives are woven into the storytelling to good effect. It is usually subtle but always present. The brief addition of Jessica Steen (the original Dr. Elizabeth Weir in “Stargate SG-1”) in Season Two to fill in for Amy Jo Johnson was well done. So if you’re not home, record it! You will not want to miss it!
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Flashpoint is such a pleasure to watch. Smart writing!!! Superb acting!!! Real humanity!!! You come away with a respect for this law enforcement team that remembers that it is created to protect and serve. Many episodes have seamlessly transferred the goal of the team from being there to stop the sniper to rescuing him/her. The idea of getting as much background information on the situation so that it can be handled properly is such a no brainer. Is this really how the SWAT teams operate in Canada? Any chance that they could retrain some of our police teams here in the states? What a wonderful show.
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“Let’s keep the peace,” is the catch-phrase uttered by team leaders as the Strategic Response Unit gears up for a hot call. It’s hardly as adrenaline-inducing as “Let’s roll,” or “Lock and load,” but I don’t think it’s supposed to be; in fact it sets the tone for the series. This cop drama is about saving lives and trying to bring sanity and compassion to out-of-control situations, not racking up a body count in the name of peace and justice.
Flashpoint is an undiscovered gem, hidden away behind a overused genre. If the phrases “SWAT team,” “hostage negotiators,” “Canadian television,” and “police drama” don’t exactly grab your interest, please do yourself the favor of at least reading this review and perhaps watching a couple of episodes. You might be glad you did.
The premise on its own is not terribly new: A fictional SWAT/hostage negotiation team takes on kidnappings, suicide attempts, bank robberies, and the like. What IS new is the approach. The writing of this show is steeped in the humanity, compassion, and psychological realism markedly absent from current TV.
The team members are deeply decent human beings who love their jobs and their team-mates, but Flashpoint does a superb job illustrating the real-life issues such as PTSD, stress, and guilt that come with such work.
Markedly absent is the fictional conceit that events don’t have consequences. When team leader and sniper Ed Lane shoots a hostage-taker in the series premier, not only do they show his emotional reaction immediately after the shooting, they follow him through suspension, investigation, and debriefing by a psychologist. The consequences of the shooting continue to appear through the series; Ed experiences flashbacks, is sued, and in season two the hostage-taker’s son even tries to kill him.
Flashpoint does not stop at portraying the team in a compassionate and realistic light; the subjects of their calls are rarely black-and-white “bad guys.” Psychologically disturbed individuals are portrayed as layered individuals with reasons for their behavior. Sometimes these reasons are morally justifiable, sometimes not. Sometimes we sympathize with them, sometimes we want them dead sooner rather than later – but we are almost always given insight as to how and why they reached their “Flashpoint.”
Anyone who has experienced traumatic events or PTSD in their own life or helped friends and family cope with traumas should watch this show. It is deeply validating and provides excellent models of how to cope and how not to, as well as being sensitively and realistically written.
Flashpoint is a cop show with real people and ethical, caring human beings in difficult situations. As one friend of mine put it, “It’s the anti-24.” If you’re tired of television where the writers can’t think of any better way to create drama than to set up a crisis and then torture their way out of it, try Flashpoint.
This is the (ironically, Canadian-produced) television show that jaded, wounded America needs right now.
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E. A Solinas "ea_solinas"
June 5, 2011 at 6:45 am
Through the stargate,
Most TV shows spun off from movies are uninvolving and uninteresting (“Blade,” anyone?), and hopefully die and are forgotten.
That wasn’t the case with the spinoff of the 1995 movie “Stargate,” an okay science fiction movie that spawned an excellent television series, “Stargate SG-1.” The first season is not nearly as brilliant as the ones that followed it, but it’s a welcome change from distant space operas — excellent writing, acting, and a sense of humor about itself and its characters.
The Stargate has been inactive for a year — until it is activated, and a bunch of Egyptian-styled warriors come through and kidnap a young officer. General Hammond (Don S. Davis) pulls Jack O’Neill (Richard Dean Anderson) out of retirement to learn what really happened on the planet of Abydos, and where these mysterious aliens have come from.
O’Neill and a small team go to Abydos and find Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks) who has been learning about a vast network of Stargates over the past year. But when Daniel’s wife Sha’re and brother-in-law Skaara are abducted by the same warriors, O’Neill, Jackson and Air Force scientist Sam Carter (Amanda Tapping) use the Stargate to venture to where they’re being kept.
What they find is an alien race who inhabits human hosts, the Goa’uld, and their ruthless slave warriors, the Jaffa. Carter, O’Neill and Jackson are captured by the powerful Apophis — but to escape, they must have the help of an unlikely ally: Teal’c (Christopher Judge), Apophis’ First Prime. Since Earth has now annoyed the Goa’uld, several exploration teams are formed to go through the Stargate and find weapons and allies.
And SG-1 — Carter, O’Neill, Jackson and Teal’c — encounters some very strange problems: a plague that turns people into savages, a people who live only a hundred days, a Viking planet, a Stargate explorer stranded since 1945, a little girl turned into a bomb, the seductive Goa’uld queen Hathor, and coming back as robots. And when the military shuts down the SG program, Daniel reveals that the Earth is about to be destroyed by Apophis’ armies…
The first season of “Stargate SG-1” isn’t the most impressive, though the last three episodes hint at the series’ future greatness. And thankfully, it drops the usual space opera stuff — instead we get Stargates, real military, and a very plausible reason why everybody in the galaxy (more or less) looks just like us.
It’s graced with kitschy Egyptian-styled sets, lots of shoot-em-up action from Marines and Air Force, and plenty of planets influenced by Earth cultures, like the Minoans and the Vikings. Best of all is the snappy dialogue, mostly from the tart-tongued O’Neill (“Temperature–ground 1700 degrees Fahrenheit. Air–seems to be in pockets, ranging from 1500 degrees down to 200.” “Sounds like LA”).
And the makers add some poignant and/or warm scenes, such as the eager Abydonian teenagers celebrating with O’Neill and his pals, Teal’c reunion with his outcast family, or Sam bonding with a doomed little girl. All the characters get these moments, which really makes them seem human.
Instead of Kurt Russell’s suicidal O’Neill from the movie, Anderson does a quirky, disrespectful, pop culture-lovin’ guy with a hidden tragic past — his “Cold Lazarus”double role is one of the best of the show. Tapping and Shanks are also great, as an enthusiastic geek and a smart, capable military woman. Sadly Judge gets shortchanged as the stern, honorable Teal’c, but he’s brilliant when he’s spotlighted.
The first season of “Stargate SG-1” is not the best of the series, but it’s still a solid, imaginative sci-fi story with some great writing and even better acting. A must-have for sci-fi buffs.
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J. Williams "Geek Girl"
June 5, 2011 at 6:00 am
Great show!,
One evening, I flipped through channels to find something to watch. At first, I thought it was another “crime drama” along the lines of “Cold Squad” or “DaVinci’s Inquest”. I still like the complexity of Chris Haddock’s characters. So I was pleased to find another ensemble cast that had similar complexities and issues. One of the unique quirks of the writers is that the theme of each episode resonates through the relationship between the characters in some way. The characters are interesting, compelling, and “real” and the writers do a great job at not revealing every little thing about them right away. Their lives are woven into the storytelling to good effect. It is usually subtle but always present. The brief addition of Jessica Steen (the original Dr. Elizabeth Weir in “Stargate SG-1”) in Season Two to fill in for Amy Jo Johnson was well done. So if you’re not home, record it! You will not want to miss it!
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Valerie D. Hall "hopelessromantic"
June 5, 2011 at 5:21 am
What an excellent show!!!,
Flashpoint is such a pleasure to watch. Smart writing!!! Superb acting!!! Real humanity!!! You come away with a respect for this law enforcement team that remembers that it is created to protect and serve. Many episodes have seamlessly transferred the goal of the team from being there to stop the sniper to rescuing him/her. The idea of getting as much background information on the situation so that it can be handled properly is such a no brainer. Is this really how the SWAT teams operate in Canada? Any chance that they could retrain some of our police teams here in the states? What a wonderful show.
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Jessi S. Clark-white
June 5, 2011 at 5:09 am
Let’s keep the peace!,
“Let’s keep the peace,” is the catch-phrase uttered by team leaders as the Strategic Response Unit gears up for a hot call. It’s hardly as adrenaline-inducing as “Let’s roll,” or “Lock and load,” but I don’t think it’s supposed to be; in fact it sets the tone for the series. This cop drama is about saving lives and trying to bring sanity and compassion to out-of-control situations, not racking up a body count in the name of peace and justice.
Flashpoint is an undiscovered gem, hidden away behind a overused genre. If the phrases “SWAT team,” “hostage negotiators,” “Canadian television,” and “police drama” don’t exactly grab your interest, please do yourself the favor of at least reading this review and perhaps watching a couple of episodes. You might be glad you did.
The premise on its own is not terribly new: A fictional SWAT/hostage negotiation team takes on kidnappings, suicide attempts, bank robberies, and the like. What IS new is the approach. The writing of this show is steeped in the humanity, compassion, and psychological realism markedly absent from current TV.
The team members are deeply decent human beings who love their jobs and their team-mates, but Flashpoint does a superb job illustrating the real-life issues such as PTSD, stress, and guilt that come with such work.
Markedly absent is the fictional conceit that events don’t have consequences. When team leader and sniper Ed Lane shoots a hostage-taker in the series premier, not only do they show his emotional reaction immediately after the shooting, they follow him through suspension, investigation, and debriefing by a psychologist. The consequences of the shooting continue to appear through the series; Ed experiences flashbacks, is sued, and in season two the hostage-taker’s son even tries to kill him.
Flashpoint does not stop at portraying the team in a compassionate and realistic light; the subjects of their calls are rarely black-and-white “bad guys.” Psychologically disturbed individuals are portrayed as layered individuals with reasons for their behavior. Sometimes these reasons are morally justifiable, sometimes not. Sometimes we sympathize with them, sometimes we want them dead sooner rather than later – but we are almost always given insight as to how and why they reached their “Flashpoint.”
Anyone who has experienced traumatic events or PTSD in their own life or helped friends and family cope with traumas should watch this show. It is deeply validating and provides excellent models of how to cope and how not to, as well as being sensitively and realistically written.
Flashpoint is a cop show with real people and ethical, caring human beings in difficult situations. As one friend of mine put it, “It’s the anti-24.” If you’re tired of television where the writers can’t think of any better way to create drama than to set up a crisis and then torture their way out of it, try Flashpoint.
This is the (ironically, Canadian-produced) television show that jaded, wounded America needs right now.
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