Here are a bunch of little bites to satisfy your hunger for movie culture: Franchise Recap of the Day: Get ready for Captain America: Civil War...
In the wake of Avengers: Age of Ultron reaching a billion dollars in box office grosses worldwide, the first images from the set of Marvel’s Captain...
Captain America 3: With the comic-book version of Steve Rogers stepping aside from his duties as Captain America, some have wondered if future Marvel movies will...
A video released by the terror organization known as ISIS shows U.S. freelance journalist James Foley being beheaded. The footage, titled “A Message To America,” was...
Hot Docs Hot Docs ends with a bang and a laugh in “Khrushchev Does...
Fox After holding the top position at the box office for three weeks, femme-fueled...
Now that the Super Bowl is in the rearview mirror and all the talk about casting in the Man of Steel sequel is starting to die...
It’s official: Kristen Stewart and Tom Cruise cannot be trusted — well, if you listen to a recent Reader’s Digest poll, that is. RD took 200...
UPDATED: We’ve added more concept images below for both movies We still have a ways to go before Marvel begins revealing more of its upcoming space-set adventure...
The union has 49 other states, but Massachusetts will make a particularly strong showing this Fourth of July. Bergeron will have impressive talents to introduce on...