Eddie Murphy is a comedic legend. Therefore, asking fans to pick just one memorable movie of his to add to their collection would be an excruciating...
Captain America: The First Avenger (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy) – click on the image below for more information. 1 Blueray Disk Only. In Jewel...
How’s the movie? Captain America: The First Avenger is simply a high quality, thoroughly enjoyable, surprisingly heartfelt superhero movie. While others in the effects-driven tent pole...
As is evident from his performance in ‘What’s Your Number,’ Chris Evans is very good at looking wistfully off into the distance. That skill came in...
We’ve gotten more posters than we know what to do with, enough trailers and clips to piece together , and now that we’re just four days...
Meet Peter Jackson’s latest dwarf, Thorin Oakenshield, the leader of the dwarf band that meets up with Bilbo Baggins in the upcoming ‘Hobbit’ films. He’s played...
Source: KapoMonkey July 17, 2011 Paramount Pictures and Marvel Studios have send two B-roll videos from the sets of Captain America: The First Avenger that total...
Big-screen Captain America is almost here. The comic book character that pretty much defined super heroes in the 1940s and early 1950s (along with Captain Marvel...
Considering how popular the animated shorts are that play before Pixar movies — combined with the fanboy excitement that builds for those post-credit sequences in all...
It has to be more than a little appropriate in terms of synergy that Norton by Symantec the anti-virus and security software is sponsoring a behind-the-scenes...