Here are a bunch of little bites to satisfy your hunger for movie culture: Alternate Universe Movie of the Day: La La Land may be Damien Chazelle’s...
“Suits” has always loved bringing back old characters in new situations — and on Wednesday night’s (Feb. 8) episode, “Teeth, Nose, Teeth,” we got to see a...
REX/Shutterstock David Beckham‘s rep is setting the record straight about shocking claims made about the soccer stud and his charity work. Several tabloid reports said leaked...
Sometimes it’s the oddest Saturday Night Live sketches that wind up sticking around to become cult classics. Though we’re only a few days out from Tom...
I started working on “Game of Thrones” as a language creator (or conlanger) and translator almost seven years ago to the day. Since then I’ve gone...
Despite the tepid response to Steven Spielberg’s The BFG this year, the works of Roald Dahl continue to be hot in Hollywood right now. There are already remakes...
Here are a bunch of little bites to satisfy your hunger for movie culture: Video Essay of the Day: For Slate, Dan Kois and Jacob T....
Three home cooks remained in the quest to be named the winner of MasterChef season seven—but only one could take home the title. In the two-hour finale,...
Highlight on New Movie Released DVD I was 9 years old, prowling through the Van Nuys public library, when I discovered a book called “Rocket Ship...
Did MTV forget about David Bowie and Prince? The music industry is still mourning the deaths of pair, who died three months apart in early 2016....