Marvel Cinematic Universe: Stan Lee, who is an obligatory element of all movies based on Marvel Comics properties, has shot specifically tailored cameos for the next...
FOX’s new genre series “The Exorcist” premiered Friday (Sept. 23). It’s the latest trend of movie-to-TV adaptations that aim to tell a different story than what...
Since his debut as Peter Parker and Spider-Man earlier this year in Captain America: Civil War, actor Tom Holland has completely associated with his superhero role. A...
New Movie Posters: ‘Smurfs,’ ‘Power Rangers,’ and a Horror Movie About Ice Cream Trucks | Movie and Celebrity Photos | Sep 23, 2016 1...
Here are a bunch of little bites to satisfy your hunger for movie culture: Talk Show Appearance of the Day: Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made another...
Alita: Battle Angel: Ed Skrein, who played the villain in Deadpool, is going bad again for Alita: Battle Angel. He will play the evil cyborg Zapan in the...
New Star Wars movies will come out every year from now until a Death Star blows up Earth. In case you needed confirmation of that, though,...
Here are a bunch of little bites to satisfy your hunger for movie culture: Social Media Art of the Day: Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi shared the following...
Warhol: Jared Leto (Suicide Squad) is set to star in Warhol, a biographical drama about iconic artist Andy Warhol. Terence Winter (The Wolf of Wall Street)...
Here are a bunch of little bites to satisfy your hunger for movie culture: Crossovers of the Day: Since Ellen DeGeneres is the voice of Dory...