TARZAN THE APE MAN TARZAN AND HIS MATE TARZAN ESCAPES TARZAN FINDS A SON! TARZAN’S SECRET TREASURE TARZAN’S NEW YORK ADVENTURE-Johnny Weissmuler. Maureen O’Sullivan. He Tarzan, she Jane – the most memorable pair ever to portray Edgar Rice Burroughs’ jungle hero and heroine. All 6 of the stars’ vine-swinging teamings are in this 3-disc set. The Lord of the Apes swoops Jane Parker into his life in t
TARZAN COLLECTION STARRING JONNY WEIS – DVD MovieMany actors have slipped on a loincloth and swung from a jungle vine, but nobody reached the treetops of Tarzania quite like Johnny Weissmuller, the Olympic swimmer. And Tarzan’s greatest Jane was Maureen O’Sullivan, who moved into T’s treehouse for six films at MGM, all collected in this splendid boxed set. It is possible to find these films hokey… but only if you have absolutely no feeling for the magic of early-sound pictures, or no joy in the gee-whiz, Saturday-matinee wonder of Tarzan’s prelapsarian lifestyle. To say nothing of the surprisingly overt running theme of (implied) hot jungle sex. Tarzan, the Ape Man (1932), made with the blessings of Tarzan creator Edgar Rice Burroughs, establishes the basics of the series (and uses extra Africa footage MGM had compiled for Trader Horn). There’d been many Tarzans before, but Weissmuller’s buff bod and innocent charm won over audiences. Tarzan and His Mate is generally considered the
92 of 93 people found the following review helpful:
SIMPLY SUPERB!, June 15, 2004
T. Brice (Lafayette, Georgia USA) –
This review is from: The Tarzan Collection Starring Johnny Weissmuller (Tarzan the Ape Man / Escapes / and His Mate / Finds a Son / Secret Treasure / New York Adventure) (DVD)
I’ve been waiting for these films to be released on DVD ever since I got my DVD player in January, 2001. I was born in 1954 and grew up watching them on TV. Tarzan was without a doubt my favorite hero and Johnny Weissmuller was Tarzan. One of the biggest thrills of my youth was meeting Johnny when he came to my hometown in 1967. He gave me two photos of himself which I still have. The packaging of this set is excellent, first class all the way. The documentary is very interesting. I only wish that Johnny Sheffield could have been interviewed. It was great to see Cheeta still going strong at 72 years old. The theatrical trailers were fun to watch, and the other “special features” were great, also. I especially enjoyed the short documentary shot during the filming of “Tarzan Finds A Son” at Silver Springs, Florida. Before I purchased the set, I was concerned about the picture quality of the six feature films.But, when I watched them, I was very pleased. After years of seeing them on TV, it was good to view them via the high resolution of the DVD format. When and if the six RKO Tarzan/Weissmuller films are released on DVD, I pray that Warner Video will do the honors.
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130 of 132 people found the following review helpful:
Buy and Support Tarzan!, May 26, 2004
C. A. Luster “The Rook” (Burke, VA USA) –
This review is from: The Tarzan Collection Starring Johnny Weissmuller (Tarzan the Ape Man / Escapes / and His Mate / Finds a Son / Secret Treasure / New York Adventure) (DVD)
I can only hope at least a million people buy this Tarzan DVD set. I pre-ordered it a couple months ago when I first saw it was available to order. As a child I watched these on Sunday afternoons. They were a mainstay for any kids TV diet in the 1950s and 1960s. I have to say that after dining on the majority of Tarzan movies my taste became partial to Johnny Weismueller. The fact that he was an Olympian swimmer, had the best Tarzan yodel, and his acting seemed to fit a kid raised in the jungle. It was a blast watching him wrestle crocodiles and lions and call elephants to tramble the bad guys. We can only hope that interest in this set may prompt them to release the rest of his Tarzan movies. I for one loved them all, even if the special effects were a little hokey sometimes. By todays standards the F/X will seem comical, but still fun to watch. This set has the best production values and casting of all the Tarzan movies.
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T. Brice
September 2, 2011 at 7:01 am
I’ve been waiting for these films to be released on DVD ever since I got my DVD player in January, 2001. I was born in 1954 and grew up watching them on TV. Tarzan was without a doubt my favorite hero and Johnny Weissmuller was Tarzan. One of the biggest thrills of my youth was meeting Johnny when he came to my hometown in 1967. He gave me two photos of himself which I still have. The packaging of this set is excellent, first class all the way. The documentary is very interesting. I only wish that Johnny Sheffield could have been interviewed. It was great to see Cheeta still going strong at 72 years old. The theatrical trailers were fun to watch, and the other “special features” were great, also. I especially enjoyed the short documentary shot during the filming of “Tarzan Finds A Son” at Silver Springs, Florida. Before I purchased the set, I was concerned about the picture quality of the six feature films.But, when I watched them, I was very pleased. After years of seeing them on TV, it was good to view them via the high resolution of the DVD format. When and if the six RKO Tarzan/Weissmuller films are released on DVD, I pray that Warner Video will do the honors.
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C. A. Luster "The Rook"
September 2, 2011 at 6:43 am
Buy and Support Tarzan!,
I can only hope at least a million people buy this Tarzan DVD set. I pre-ordered it a couple months ago when I first saw it was available to order. As a child I watched these on Sunday afternoons. They were a mainstay for any kids TV diet in the 1950s and 1960s. I have to say that after dining on the majority of Tarzan movies my taste became partial to Johnny Weismueller. The fact that he was an Olympian swimmer, had the best Tarzan yodel, and his acting seemed to fit a kid raised in the jungle. It was a blast watching him wrestle crocodiles and lions and call elephants to tramble the bad guys. We can only hope that interest in this set may prompt them to release the rest of his Tarzan movies. I for one loved them all, even if the special effects were a little hokey sometimes. By todays standards the F/X will seem comical, but still fun to watch. This set has the best production values and casting of all the Tarzan movies.
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