4-DVD, 6-workout fitness set designed to work your body from head to toe
Loaded with red-hot dance steps, pulsating rhythms, and easy-to-follow routines
Comes with maraca-like toning sticks to add muscle to your sculpting workouts
Includes basics workout, 20-minute express workout, and sculpt-and-tone workout
Also includes “cardio party” workout and flat abs workout
Shed pounds and have a blast in the process with the Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System DVD set. Loaded with red-hot dance steps, pulsating Latin rhythms, and easy-to-follow routines, this invigorating dance-fitness “party” will have you movin’, groovin’, and shakin’ the weight off to the sexy, exotic rhythms of salsa, cumbia, samba, merengue, and more. Each routine features interval training sessions that combine fast and slow rhythms with resistance training, helping sculpt and tone your body while burning fat. As a result, Zumba fanatics can enjoy multiple long-term health benefits while having fun in the moment. Working out can be a lot of things, but it’s never been known to be an exhilarating experience–until now. The set–which comes with four DVDs and six total workouts–will work your body from head to toe, starting with the basics and then moving to your favorite targets, such as your core, thighs, and abs. The set also comes with maraca-like toning sticks to
342 of 343 people found the following review helpful:
Amazing!!!, January 14, 2010
Yoruba “assertive_2002” (Ontario Canada) –
This review is from: Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System DVD Set (Sports)
I was looking for a workout that I could do in between the days I run and box. I thought this DVD was just going to be a fun break…Its fun but definitely not a break. I purchased the dvd’s and popped it in thinking I was just going to do a quick look see before I did it later in the day. It looked like soo much fun I ended up just jumping in..and before I knew it 30 min had passed. The music is great! If you are a true lover of latin music you will def. be able to appreciate the beats and the spanish language(none of that cheesy americanized stuff), its like going to a real latin club. You will sweat if you move (supposedly you can burn between 500-1000 cal/hr!!!). Your waist will feel tight after just one work out- the abs section is amazing!! no more lying down..and it actually looks/feels more effective.
The moves are easy -for the non dancers its easier to get the moves if you feel the music first and then work on the steps- the moves are broken down very well. Ive used the “samba basic” clubbing and it looked very authentic on the dance floor.
Get it! Get it! You will love it -its fun and you will get results aerobically/tone and learn to dance all at the same time…
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1,042 of 1,056 people found the following review helpful:
Great Set- Different Than the Class, October 17, 2009
ashu16 “ashu16” (Detroit, Michigan USA) –
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
This review is from: Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System DVD Set (Sports)
I started taking the Zumba classes and was so in love with them that I wanted to do them at home. After researching the Zumba DVD’s, I stumbled across this set and bought it. I loved it- but it wasn’t like the Zumba Beginners class that I was taking. The first DVD is a beginners DVD that shows you how to do the steps, and includes a 20 minute workout. I am a fairly fit, active female, and broke a sweat in no time with just the instructional DVD. They break each step down into ‘easy’, ‘medium’, and ‘hard’ so you can learn the steps and be confidant enough with them to move up into the other DVD’s. Other reviews thought this was lame- I actually loved it. It was very helpful, here I thought I knew the steps all along and I really didn’t. It will also help me with my class. The 20 minute workout is also a good beginners dvd, but I assume would get old after you get good at the moves. The Zumba Live DVD is probably most like the Zumba classes, where there is no instruction, and everyone is just dancing in rows. Surprisingly, you can pick up what they’re doing, and I really didn’t see them use the moves you learn from the first DVD too much, it was a little more freestyle. Beto, the creator of Zumba is kinda crazy- he’s hard to understand, but the other female instructors are great and easy to follow.
I also thought this was very different than my classes. I was hoping to hear some of the same music and routines that I see in the live classes I attend, but it’s different- not better or worse, just different than I was expecting. The ‘weighted dumbells’ are kinda lame- they’re long, and not real heavy- I haven’t used them yet because I find it hard to add yet another dimension to these moves still. You want to make sure you have a good area in front of your TV to do this on, and that you have the ability to jump and move your body weight without having to worry about things falling off bookshelves and such. The reviews that this was cheaply done and put together are false- how could it be cheap? It looks pretty clear from the pictures what you’re getting. There were several DVD’s and a dumbell set and I thought Amazon.com’s price was reasonable for what you get. I don’t know what these other people were expecting. I guess this is going to be sold on infomercials, but I have yet to see one yet- it’s put together by that Gunthey-Renker brand that touts several other ‘as seen on TV’ products.
In all, I would highly recommend this, and recommend you wear hip-hop shoes (like the Bloch S0538L sneakers), and as few clothes as possible- each time I try to do this in a tshirt, I end up having to put on a tank by the end of the workout. Get ready to sweat and work your butt off- and you’ll be well on your way to needing hip replacement surgery after all this latin dancing!!
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741 of 747 people found the following review helpful:
FUN!!, April 8, 2010
Danie’ –
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
This review is from: Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System DVD Set (Sports)
Okay, okay, I fell for the infomercial. I was looking for something that was pure cardio and this really seemed to fit the bill. So I gave it a try and I don’t have any regrets! Honestly, I had four other dance workout dvds in my Amazon wishlist–after doing the Zumba 20-min workout, I deleted the wishlist. No kidding.
What you’ll definitely need: WATER!! And plenty of it! Also, a little room to dance around in. Of course, the workouts and the toning sticks are provided for you.
What might need: Since the toning sticks are crazy light (1 lb. each ??), you may want to throw on a pair of weighted hand gloves if you have them. I’ve also tried just using regular hand weights but at the fast pace of this workout and since the toning workout is “dancey,” they were a little difficult to handle.
Workouts: The basics “workout” isn’t really a workout but breaks down the moves using a 3-step process working up to the full dance move. (I’d break it down but there’s 20+ moves) This is about an hour but, I feel, well worth the watch, even if you are a seasoned dance dvd phenom. And if not, the moves are super easy.
The other actual workouts, of course, use the moves from “basics” but also does variations of these moves (don’t worry, they’ll give you a heads up.) Some mainstay dance routines are Samba, Merengue, Reggaeton (my fav!), Cumbia, Mambo and Salsa but I was pleasantly surprised that were more styles of dancing included in the workout other than Latin. Cardio Party (my fav!) has an “American Mix” section that features a bit of country dancing and an ode to 1950s Americana. There’s also some African steps that are really fun, too (you’ll see them in Zumba Sculpt and Tone and in Zumba Live). You’ll also see some bellydance (kinda, sort of) 😉 and Flamenco.
A few things that might trip you up:
1. The cueing, though not terrible, could be a bit better.
2. During the “basics” workout, Tanya (??), the girl who co-hosts the workout with Beto, says to just keep to beat. This tidbit really comes in handy because there are a few (VERY few but noticable) editing issues. So you might think you’re on the wrong foot when in reality, the editor messed up. But no worries, the scene will cut and everything is back to normal. (In other words, just keep in step with the beat of the music and eventually, you and those working out of the dvd will be back in unison.)
3. Beto has a REALLY rich accent so it can be sort of hard to pick what he’s saying at first. I found, after doing the workouts a while, my ear has become more apt at understanding him–so maybe it will for you, too.
A couple of personal pet-peeves:
1. The toning sticks. They seemed like a great idea but the constant raddling kind of started to get on my nerves.
2. After each routine, there’s this pause to introduce the next routine. I’m not really sure about how I feel about this because sometimes I think “thank goodness, I thought I was gonna die.” But other times I feel like the breaks just slow down the workout. Jury’s still out on that one.
Overall: What else can I say that I haven’t already. I really dug this workout. ‘Nuff said.
*Side note: I know there has been some debate over price on this item. I love this workout and bought this from Amazon (only 60 bucks + free shipping at the time), but seriously, it’s really not worth spending over $100 for.
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Yoruba "assertive_2002"
June 22, 2011 at 2:02 am
I was looking for a workout that I could do in between the days I run and box. I thought this DVD was just going to be a fun break…Its fun but definitely not a break. I purchased the dvd’s and popped it in thinking I was just going to do a quick look see before I did it later in the day. It looked like soo much fun I ended up just jumping in..and before I knew it 30 min had passed. The music is great! If you are a true lover of latin music you will def. be able to appreciate the beats and the spanish language(none of that cheesy americanized stuff), its like going to a real latin club. You will sweat if you move (supposedly you can burn between 500-1000 cal/hr!!!). Your waist will feel tight after just one work out- the abs section is amazing!! no more lying down..and it actually looks/feels more effective.
The moves are easy -for the non dancers its easier to get the moves if you feel the music first and then work on the steps- the moves are broken down very well. Ive used the “samba basic” clubbing and it looked very authentic on the dance floor.
Get it! Get it! You will love it -its fun and you will get results aerobically/tone and learn to dance all at the same time…
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ashu16 "ashu16"
June 22, 2011 at 1:32 am
Great Set- Different Than the Class,
I started taking the Zumba classes and was so in love with them that I wanted to do them at home. After researching the Zumba DVD’s, I stumbled across this set and bought it. I loved it- but it wasn’t like the Zumba Beginners class that I was taking. The first DVD is a beginners DVD that shows you how to do the steps, and includes a 20 minute workout. I am a fairly fit, active female, and broke a sweat in no time with just the instructional DVD. They break each step down into ‘easy’, ‘medium’, and ‘hard’ so you can learn the steps and be confidant enough with them to move up into the other DVD’s. Other reviews thought this was lame- I actually loved it. It was very helpful, here I thought I knew the steps all along and I really didn’t. It will also help me with my class. The 20 minute workout is also a good beginners dvd, but I assume would get old after you get good at the moves. The Zumba Live DVD is probably most like the Zumba classes, where there is no instruction, and everyone is just dancing in rows. Surprisingly, you can pick up what they’re doing, and I really didn’t see them use the moves you learn from the first DVD too much, it was a little more freestyle. Beto, the creator of Zumba is kinda crazy- he’s hard to understand, but the other female instructors are great and easy to follow.
I also thought this was very different than my classes. I was hoping to hear some of the same music and routines that I see in the live classes I attend, but it’s different- not better or worse, just different than I was expecting. The ‘weighted dumbells’ are kinda lame- they’re long, and not real heavy- I haven’t used them yet because I find it hard to add yet another dimension to these moves still. You want to make sure you have a good area in front of your TV to do this on, and that you have the ability to jump and move your body weight without having to worry about things falling off bookshelves and such. The reviews that this was cheaply done and put together are false- how could it be cheap? It looks pretty clear from the pictures what you’re getting. There were several DVD’s and a dumbell set and I thought Amazon.com’s price was reasonable for what you get. I don’t know what these other people were expecting. I guess this is going to be sold on infomercials, but I have yet to see one yet- it’s put together by that Gunthey-Renker brand that touts several other ‘as seen on TV’ products.
In all, I would highly recommend this, and recommend you wear hip-hop shoes (like the Bloch S0538L sneakers), and as few clothes as possible- each time I try to do this in a tshirt, I end up having to put on a tank by the end of the workout. Get ready to sweat and work your butt off- and you’ll be well on your way to needing hip replacement surgery after all this latin dancing!!
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June 22, 2011 at 1:11 am
Okay, okay, I fell for the infomercial. I was looking for something that was pure cardio and this really seemed to fit the bill. So I gave it a try and I don’t have any regrets! Honestly, I had four other dance workout dvds in my Amazon wishlist–after doing the Zumba 20-min workout, I deleted the wishlist. No kidding.
What you’ll definitely need: WATER!! And plenty of it! Also, a little room to dance around in. Of course, the workouts and the toning sticks are provided for you.
What might need: Since the toning sticks are crazy light (1 lb. each ??), you may want to throw on a pair of weighted hand gloves if you have them. I’ve also tried just using regular hand weights but at the fast pace of this workout and since the toning workout is “dancey,” they were a little difficult to handle.
Workouts: The basics “workout” isn’t really a workout but breaks down the moves using a 3-step process working up to the full dance move. (I’d break it down but there’s 20+ moves) This is about an hour but, I feel, well worth the watch, even if you are a seasoned dance dvd phenom. And if not, the moves are super easy.
The other actual workouts, of course, use the moves from “basics” but also does variations of these moves (don’t worry, they’ll give you a heads up.) Some mainstay dance routines are Samba, Merengue, Reggaeton (my fav!), Cumbia, Mambo and Salsa but I was pleasantly surprised that were more styles of dancing included in the workout other than Latin. Cardio Party (my fav!) has an “American Mix” section that features a bit of country dancing and an ode to 1950s Americana. There’s also some African steps that are really fun, too (you’ll see them in Zumba Sculpt and Tone and in Zumba Live). You’ll also see some bellydance (kinda, sort of) 😉 and Flamenco.
A few things that might trip you up:
1. The cueing, though not terrible, could be a bit better.
2. During the “basics” workout, Tanya (??), the girl who co-hosts the workout with Beto, says to just keep to beat. This tidbit really comes in handy because there are a few (VERY few but noticable) editing issues. So you might think you’re on the wrong foot when in reality, the editor messed up. But no worries, the scene will cut and everything is back to normal. (In other words, just keep in step with the beat of the music and eventually, you and those working out of the dvd will be back in unison.)
3. Beto has a REALLY rich accent so it can be sort of hard to pick what he’s saying at first. I found, after doing the workouts a while, my ear has become more apt at understanding him–so maybe it will for you, too.
A couple of personal pet-peeves:
1. The toning sticks. They seemed like a great idea but the constant raddling kind of started to get on my nerves.
2. After each routine, there’s this pause to introduce the next routine. I’m not really sure about how I feel about this because sometimes I think “thank goodness, I thought I was gonna die.” But other times I feel like the breaks just slow down the workout. Jury’s still out on that one.
Overall: What else can I say that I haven’t already. I really dug this workout. ‘Nuff said.
*Side note: I know there has been some debate over price on this item. I love this workout and bought this from Amazon (only 60 bucks + free shipping at the time), but seriously, it’s really not worth spending over $100 for.
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