After weeks of delays and anticipation, Warner Bros. lastly launched the Christopher Nolan blockbuster thriller “Tenet” in 41 nations this weekend, incomes $53 million on the...
“The Spongebob Movie” and “Unhinged” open to lower than $1 million in newly-opened Canadian theaters The weekend worldwide field workplace was highlighted by a robust weekend...
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back has topped the US field workplace as soon as once more, giving it the highest spot for the primary time...
Disney/Pixar’s “Onward” has taken a $40 million opening weekend, one of many lowest begins in Pixar’s 25-year historical past of characteristic movies. However, it’s unclear whether...
Photo credit score: Walt Disney Studios Disney/Pixar’s “Onward” is heading for a $40 million opening weekend after making an estimated $12.1 million on Friday from 4,310...
After a number of months of weak numbers for horror films on the field workplace, Universal/Blumhouse’s “The Invisible Man” has damaged the droop with a $29...
Benh Zeitlin’s “Wendy” took the lead amongst indie movies struggling to search out footing for his or her restricted launch openings this weekend, with the grittier...
Luis Barrios/Isa Battaglin Phylicia Rashad (“Creed,” “This Is Us”) and Mamoudou Athie (“Jurassic World: Dominion,” “Unicorn Store”) are set to star in “Black Box” for Amazon...
While this weekend’s theatrical broad launch slate is small as studios take a breather forward of a really busy March, Universal will attempt to reel in...
Universal’s launch technique for DreamWorks’ “1917” has paid off. After a restricted Christmas Day launch and a Golden Globe Best Picture win, Sam Mendes’ World War...