After years of waiting, the storm has finally arrived: “The Dark Knight Rises” premiered at New York’s AMC Loews Lincoln Square 13 on Monday night. The...
Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes in “Demolition Man” In “Demolition Man,” which was pretty stupid in 1993 and is now even more unwatchable and terribly boring,...
Brave Since ancient times, stories of epic battles and mystical legends have been passed through the generations across the rugged … Read More (53) Casual Pixar...
Image Credit: Adam Bouska It’s a familiar tabloid story: Out of nowhere two celebs get married, and the media explodes with speculation and judgment. But what...
With “Rock of Ages” hitting theaters this weekend, we can add another title to the library of big-screen rock musicals. Some, like “Rocky Horror Picture Show,”...
The movies of Ridley Scott feature iconic imagery. Ridley Scott’s newest movie “Prometheus” — opening this Friday, June 8 — marks a return to the world...
“Snow White and the Huntsman,” which hits theaters this weekend, is just the latest big-screen reinterpretation of a timeless fairy tale, a genre that has gone...
Woo, new “Twilight” character posters! The new images feature your favorite characters — Bella (with vampire eyes!) Edward and Jacob — staring ahead, with the cryptic...
Call in the indie brigade. Bill Murray, your all-time favorite person, has done something even stranger than reading poetry to construction workers: He’s posing in a...
Twenty-seven years ago, Tim Burton directed his first full-length feature film, “Pee-wee’s Big Adventure.” Since then, he’s navigated the streets of Gotham, climbed down the rabbit...