Experience the thrilling live-action adventure based on the hit Nickelodeon series Avatar: The Last Airbender. Join Aang, an extraordinary boy with incredible “bending” powers, as he journeys through an exotic land filled with magical creatures and powerful friends. As the Avatar, he is the only one who can end the age-old conflict between the four nations: Air, Water, Earth and Fire. An inspirational journey, The Last Airbender is exciting entertainment for the entire family!The cartoon epic Avatar: The Last Airbender comes to the big screen as live-action special effects spectacular, with the title simplified to The Last Airbender. The movie is crammed with as much of the show’s anime-influenced mythology as can fit: In a fantasy world, different tribes have influence over the elements of air, earth, fire, and water. Only one person can manipulate all four–the Avatar, who is also a bridge between the terrestrial and spirit worlds, and who reincarnates throughout the centuries. B